The Harsh Light of Day


Spike returns with new girlfriend Harmony in tow in order to find the precious Gem of Amara, the vampire version of the Holy Grail, which is said to embue it's wearer with immunity to stakes and sunlight.

The Harsh Light of Day Quotes

In the Dark


Spike shows up on Angel's new turf, Los Angeles, looking for the Gem of Amara that Buffy sent to Angel via Oz. Spike joins forces with a psycho-torture-pedaphile-vampire named Marcus to capture and torture Angel into telling him where the Gem is, but he doesn't count on Angel's new pals, Cordy and Doyle (with guest star Oz).

In the Dark Quotes

Wild at Heart


Buffy is bored with the vampires today but Spike promises he'll liven things up .. that is, until he gets zapped by the paramilitary goons. The rest of the plot revolves around Oz's attraction to the were-singer Veruca and his painful breakup with Willow.

Wild at Heart Quotes

The Initiative


Spike escapes from being imprisoned by the Initiative and swears vengeance on the woman he deems responsible: Buffy. Riley tries to get up the courage to ask Buffy out, but we find out that he's part of the initiative. Spike lands on Willow instead of Buffy and the two semi-bond.

The Initiative Quotes



The spirit of the Chumash Indians is released when an old mission is unearthed. The spirit's mission is vengeance on the race of people that exterminated his. Buffy has to protect the citizens while attempting to have a Thanksgiving dinner -- with an unexpected guest in the form of Spike. Angel lurks in the shadows ready to protect her.

Pangs Quotes

Something Blue


While Willow wallows in woe, Buffy is bemused by boy-toy Riley. Willow casts a spell to enable her to work her will but it goes horribly awry: Giles goes blind, Xander becomes a literal demon magnet and Spike and Buffy plan on getting married.

Episode Transcript
Something Blue Quotes



A group of eerie Gentlemen arrive in Sunnydale and steal the population's voices. They do this so they can steal hearts without anyone being able to scream. The only way they can be defeated is by someone yelling. But how can they do that without their voices?

Episode Transcript
Hush Quotes



Riley and Buffy deal with the fact that their relationship has taken a weird turn, while Spike contemplates suicide.

Doomed Quotes

A New Man


While Giles feels sorry for himself that he's redundant and out of the loop, an old friend of his shows up and turns him into a Feoral demon. Giles becomes the target of Buffy who thinks he's done away with himself and is forced to find an ally in Spike. Of all people.

A New Man Quotes

The I in Team


The I in Team Quotes

Goodbye Iowa


Goodbye Iowa Quotes

This Year's Girl


Faith wakes up from her Buffy-induced coma in time to wreak some more havoc (since when does anyone show up Buffy NOT to wreak havoc?) in Sunnydale.

This Year's Girl Quotes

Who Are You


Having switched bodies with Buffy, Faith's awakening conscience gets another swift kick when she realizes that people's faith in her (as Buffy) can actually change her into a better person. Something she resists before dashing off to Los Angeles.

Who Are You Quotes



Jonathan, the movie star. Jonathan, the mogul. Jonathan, the advisor to Slayers. In the Jonathan-centered universe, Buffy doubts her own prowess until a particular nasty backlash takes a big bite out of our biggest hero. That would be Jonathan.

Superstar Quotes

Where the Wild Things Are


Where the Wild Things Are Quotes

New Moon Rising


Oz returns to find he has been replaced in Willow's affections by Tara. On top of all that badness, he's also captured by the Initiative.

New Moon Rising Quotes

The Yoko Factor


The Scooby Gang fractures into fractious factions. Adam steps up his plans with a Spike alliance. Oh yeah, and Angel comes to town. Whizz bang pop.



Buffy comes into her own (new powers) in this true season ender. Adam goes down. Comes with Matrix-like effects.

Primeval Quotes



Empowered dreams release the history of the Slayers.

Restless Quotes

Fifth Season