Buffy vs. Dracula


Buffy meets up with the Prince of Wallachia in the 5th season premiere. His Count-ness has come to Sunnydale especially to meet the Slayer, whose flattered by the attention.

Buffy vs. Dracula Quotes

Real Me


From Dawn's viewpoint, a day in the life of a Slayer's younger sister. The local magic store, The Magic Box, loses its owner Mr. Bogarty in the traditional Sunnydale way, leaving it open for new management (hello, Mr Giles!). Harmony returns in charge of her own vamp gang.

Real Me Quotes

The Replacement


Xander's evil twin wreaks havoc on his life. Spike's token appearance is relegated to the dumpster. That's not a value judgment.

The Replacement Quotes

Out of My Mind


Riley goes a bit heart-happy while Spike takes advantage of the former's Initiative contacts to try and get the chip out of his head. With a little help from a crossbow-happy Harm. Joyce faints and gets submitted to the hospital for tests.

Out of My Mind Quotes

No Place Like Home


Glory arrives in Sunnydale to track down the Key (i.e. Dawn), and Buffy realizes the truth about her sister.

No Place Like Home Quotes



Tara's past comes back to haunt her in the form of her family. Her secret threatens not only her relationship with Willow but the lives of her new friends as well.

Family Quotes

Fool for Love


Buffy's near brush with death has her turning to the only person with first-hand knowledge of Slayer death, Spike. She invites him out for tea and crumpets in order to pick his brain on how the two Slayers he killed were vanquished and gets more than she bargained for.

Fool for Love Quotes

Darla (A)


Angel's attempt to counsel the now human Darla results in reminisces about their 250 year relationship and Darla's personal history.

Darla (A) Quotes



Joyce's sickness develops further. Spike and Riley have it out over the fact that Riley's never the first person Buffy thinks of when she needs help.

Shadow Quotes

Listening to Fear


Mrs. Summers' operation leaves her raving but the appearance of a being from outer space that drives people nuts may have something to do with it as well.

Listening to Fear Quotes

Into the Woods


Riley's secret destroyes his relationship with Buffy and results in his departure from Sunnydale.

Into the Woods Quotes



An old boyfriend-turned-troll of Anya's wreaks havoc in Sunnydale while Anya and Willow deal with girlfriend-best friend syndrome. Poor Xander gets caught betwixt and between.

Triangle Quotes



Dawn begins to suspect somethings up and the Watcher's Council shows up. Buffy gets tested by the Council who holds information about Glory.

Checkpoint Quotes

Blood Ties


Buffy's birthday dawns. Ha ha. Dawn, on a hunt with Spike, discovers her real identity. She loses it.

Blood Ties Quotes



Dru's back and she kicks ass.
Spike finally confesses to Buffy that he has a crush on her and when rejected he falls back into the arms of a visitng Drusilla. Drusilla, who manages to almost undo Spike's chip conditioning, awakes the frustrated beast in Spike who then vents his rage on the two women (perhaps three) that he loves most, or who are in his life at the moment anyway.

Crush Quotes

I Was Made to Love You


A lonely geek creates the perfect girlfriend only to find out she's tad bit obsessive.

I Was Made to Love You Quotes



In the aftermath of Joyce's death, grief makes the Gang act in odd ways.

Forever Quotes



Buffy goes on a vision quest; Spike gets horizontal with his Buffybot (much to the horror and dismay of the Scooby Gang) and Glory thinks that Spike is the Key.

Intervention Quotes

Tough Love


Tara and Willow have their first fight; Glory discovers the true identity of the Key.

Tough Love Quotes



The Scooby Gang goes on the road to flee from Glory.

No quotes available for this episode.

The Weight of the World


The Scooby Gang goes on the road to flee from Glory.

No quotes available for this episode.

The Gift


Buffy gives her life to save her sister.

The Gift Quotes