School Hard

This episode introduces Spike and Drusilla.
Buffy is in trouble again with Principal Snyder and is assigned to work with Sheila to prepare for Parent-Teacher Night. Unbeknownst to her, Spike arrives in Sunnydale in Nick Knight's car ... and the first casualty is the Welcome to Sunnydale signpost.

The Build-Up: The Master, the vampires' most powerful leader, has been destroyed by Buffy. A possessed boy, the Anointed One, leads the remaining vampires. Sunnydale is quiet. Buffy is given three days to prepare a reception for her school's parent-teacher evening. Plenty of time, says Xander -- unless something bad happens. Buffy and Willow are horrified at this temptation of fate. Cut to ...
Moment of Truth: Night. A large, friendly 'Welcome to Sunnydale' sign is flattened by a large, sinister black saloon car. A menacing guitar riff plays. The driver gets out; the camera pans up, from his sharp shoes and dark clothes to bleached hair -- and vampire face. This is Spike, a vampire unlike any we've seen before. He looks around, lights a cigarette, and sneers approvingly, "Home, sweet home."
Consequences: The arrival of Spike, a swaggering Billy Idol-style South Londoner, and his vampire beloved (the dreamily deranged, physically weak yet visionary Drusilla) transforms our expectations of Buffy's undead enemies. Spike - alias William the Bloody - has little time for the Anointed One or his acolytes. He scoffs at their troubles with Buffy, and brags of the two previous Slayers he killed. "Me and Dru ... we're moving in," he states confidantly, whetting our appetites. His attack on Sunnydale High during parent-teacher evening fails (the trapped adults are saved by Buffy a la Die Hard - hence the title). But afterwards, Spike destroys the boy he calls the "Annoying One" by hoisting him into sunlight, proclaiming "From now on, we're gonna have a little less ritual and a little more fun." Xpose, Issue #27

Episode Transcript
School Hard Quotes



Forced to participate in trick or treating, Buffy and co. dress up in costumes from the new shop called Ethan's. Unbeknownst to them, Ethan is a sorcerer and servant to Janus (Chaos/ aka the Roman God of Gates and Crossroads). Their costumes turn their pretense into reality: Xander into a soldier, Willow into a ghost and Buffy into a helpless 1700s damsel. Spike thinks this is a fabulous trick and soon enlists children-cum-monsters as his allies in the destruction of the Slayer.

Episode Transcript
Halloween Quotes

Lie To Me


Billy "Ford" Fordham, an old friend of Buffy's, arrives in Sunnydale to offer a trade with Spike: the Slayer for Immortality (he should meet Uncle ... er, LaCroix). But there's more than meets the eye to this villain.

Episode Transcript
Lie To Me Quotes

What's My Line? (Part 1)


Spike and Dru find Dru's cure: Angel's destruction. Buffy fights the Order of Teraka which include the Bug Man (coo-coo-cachoo), Patrice (who's watched one too many episodes of Police Woman) and the One-Eyed Ghoul who were sent to kill Buffy on Spike's orders. Buffy also finds a new ally, the Haitian Vampire Slayer, Kendra (there are two!).

Episode Transcript
What's My Line? (Part 1) Quotes

What's My Line? (Part 2)


The two vampire slayers kick butt and poor Spike-y gets stuck in that damned wheelchair. Dru gets healthier, Angel gains some cool new scars and Buffy (later on in "Ted") gets to play Doctor.

In the second half of this two-parter, Kendra is temporarily persuaded not to kill Buffy, and we find that she is, in fact, the next Slayer -- called up from whatever bullpen holds such people when Buffy was drowned at the end of last season's climactic finale. Apparently once these people are let out into the world, there's no recalling them, so now there are an unprecedented two Slayers.
Meanwhile, Angel has been rescued by Spike only to be used in the ritual that will bring Druscilla back to vampiric health. Naturally this pretty much ensures his demise, but one can't have everything. Kendra explains how Slayers don't talk to boys, don't have emotions or friends and don't (obviously) have boyfriends who are vampires, Spike allows Dru torture Angel at length.
In the end the two Slayers are forced to work together to save Angel, stop the ritual and even achieve a grudging respect for each other. Xpose, Issue 19

Episode Transcript
What's My Line? (Part 2) Quotes



Angel and Buffy engage in some extracurricular activity that leads to tragedy.
The gang prepare for Buffy's seventeenth birthday party. Willow plucks up the courage to invite Oz. Spike and Drusilla are making plans of their own: they plan to reassemble a powerful demon known as The Judge, whose touch can sear the humanity from his victims. A mysterious stranger visits Jenny as Angel and Buffy take their relationship to the next level.Shivers, Issue 56
Buffy begins to have disturbing dreams in which she sees Angel killed by Druscilla. As their own romance edges closer and closer toward consummation, Buffy fears that her dreams may be prophetic. Indeed, in a wonderful turnaround, Druscilla is now the stronger of the vampiric pair and the badly burned Spike is in a wheelchair. For her birthday party, they have their family of Vampires gather the body parts of an ancient demon lord -- `The Judge' -- for reassembly right there in Sunnydale. The purpose? Only to have the Judge destroy the world for a lark, is all. Coinciding with this other birthday party is Buffy's own 17th birthday, which is predictably dampened somewhat by the intrusion of mayhem courtesy of the local Vamp population. We also find that Ms. Callander has, in fact, been sent by her family -- the gypsies who cursed Angel -- to see that he does not find happiness in any form. Finally, Buffy and Angel do, indeed, `do it' in his apartment. The cliffhanger of the episode is Angel running from his apartment afterwards, howling in mortal agony. Xpose, Issue 20

Episode Transcript
Surprise Quotes



The Build-Up: It's the day after Buffy's 17th birthday,but it's not a time of happiness. Spike and Drusilla have had the massively powerful demon known as The Judge reassembled, and are plotting the apocalypse. The Judge can burn the humanity out of people. Meanwhile, Buffy and Angel finally succumb to their passion; yup, they sleep together. It's very romantic -- but afterwards Angel is in great pain and leaves Buffy alone. A stranger offers him help when he collapses in the street -- and he feeds on her, like a true vampire once more.
Moment of Truth: Drusilla, being psychic, can sense a change coming over Angel; they fo back a long way. Spike is impatient for the Judge to start doomsday. Angel joins them, and taunts Spike, who instructs the Judge to burn Angel. The Judge makes a desultory attempt, and reports casually that Angel is a humanity-free zone. "Couldn't have put it better myself," says Angel smugly, and Drusilla squeals with delight at the return of her true Angel ...
Consequences: In an episode full of heartache and emotional cruelty for characters we've come to know and love amidst their cool banter (Angel breaking Buffy's heart before revealing his true colors, Willow finding Xander and Cordelia kissing) this is relatively light relief. Angel's momentary happiness with Buffy was enough to break the gypsy curse and shatter his soul. The swagger of the evil Angelus is as mesmerizing as the debut of Spike (now in a wheel-chair). Angel is out to give Buffy a major-league suffering for making him feel human. It takes until the end of Season Two, six episodes later, to resolve things ... until the next time. Xpose, Issue #27

Episode Transcript
Innocence Quotes



The death of Jenny Calendar.
Jenny tries to make amends for her inadvertant betrayal by researching the curse for Angel. She finds the restoration spell but is killed by Angel for her efforts and the disk with the information is lost behind her desk. Giles goes to kill Angel, not knowing what Jenny was working on but once again Angelus escapes; with one change -- Buffy is now ready to kill him.

Episode Transcript
Passion Quotes

I Only Have Eyes For You


Sadie Hawkins Dance, 1955. A boy and his teacher had an affair which ended in tragedy. Now, in 1998, the souls are back to try and correct what happened. But the tragedy keeps repeating itself when the souls possess others ... until they possess Buffy and Angel. Meanwhile, Spike represses murderous impulses toward Angel when they move into a new place.

Episode Transcript
I Only Have Eyes For You Quotes

Becoming (Part 1 & 2)


Season Two Finale
Angelus decides to send the world to hell in a handbasket via the demon Acathla. In the process, we discover how Buffy, Angel and Drusilla became who they are today. Introduce one good demon named Whistler, an extra Slayer and a cranky vamp named Spike and you have hell on wheels.

Episode Transcript
Becoming (Part 1 & 2) Quotes

Third Season