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Lovers Walk
Greetings. After a long Spike drought, we return to our regularly scheduled programming of All-Spike All-the-Time with an episode that scores big time! The dialogue is great (except for that 'baby' shit, but we can ignore that), the comedy is hilarious, the alliances are strange but wonderful, and even the minor characters (all other than Spike of course) get something to do. Long live Spike! It's very interesting to see that the Mayor knew exactly what was going on last year with our favorite British bat-boy. I wonder what it is that makes this year so important for the Mayor. Is it re-election year? Now, the other thing I want to see is Mr. Trick and Spike teaming up.
Lovers Walk A+
It took Spike to get this show back on the A train, and no surprise there: Marsters is a marvel at balancing Spike's incongruous vulnerability (his mini-marshmallow moment with Joyce) with cold-blooded menace. And on a series with consistently clever closers, this ep's final scene is sublime: Spike out-caterwhauling Sid Vicious on "My Way" as he speeds out of town.
from Entertainment Weekly Oct. 1, 1999